How to install the library ?#
Create a dedicated virtual environment#
To install the library, you may first of all, create a dedicated virtual environment with a python version at least 3.9:
$ cd /your/work/directory
$ python3 -m venv env-resourcecode
then, you activate it:
On Unix-based OS:
$ source env-resourcecode/bin/activate
On windows:
(env-resourcecode) Your_PATH:\>
Install the library#
In this virtual environment, you can now install the library. The library is available on PyPI, and installation is straightforward, using the following command :
(env-resourcecode)$ python -m pip install resourcecode
To test whether the install has been successful, you can run:
(env-resourcecode)$ python -c "import resourcecode ; print(resourcecode.__version__)"
which should print the current locally installed version of resourcecode.
Known issues#
During the pip install step, you may have an error say
Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url:
this is a known issue, which occurs with pip <= 19.0. To overcome this issue, you simply have to update pip to it latest version:
(env-resourcecode)$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
and re-run the install step which should be fine.