Extract some time-series from the database and analysis#

import resourcecode
import resourcecode.spectrum
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot

plot.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 400

Node selection and data extraction#

Below, we will look for data next to the location of interest, located in the vicinity of Brest Bay. We will look at the time-series data and also some spectral data

selected_node = resourcecode.data.get_closest_point(
    latitude=48.3026514, longitude=-4.6861533
(134940, 296.89)
selected_specPoint = resourcecode.data.get_closest_station(
    latitude=48.3026514, longitude=-4.6861533
('W004679N48304', 808.82)

Extraction of data from the Hindcast database#

Sea-state parameters extraction and helpers from the toolbox#

Once the node is selected, it is possible to retrieve the data from the Cassandra database using the commands below. It is also possible to select which variables to retrieve. The list of available variables can be obtained using the get_variables method. We study here the following variables:

  • \(H_s\), the significant wave height;

  • \(T_p\) the peak period;

  • \(D_p\) the direction at peak frequency;

  • The energy flux \(CgE\);

  • zonal and meridional velocity components of wind;

For this example, we have selectedonly year 2010.

client = resourcecode.Client()
data = client.get_dataframe(
    parameters=("hs", "uwnd", "vwnd", "t02", "tp", "dp", "cge"),
hs uwnd vwnd t02 tp dp cge
2010-01-01 01:00:00 1.360 -6.0 -6.7 4.78 11.363636 221.0 9.3
2010-01-01 02:00:00 1.350 -6.0 -7.0 4.68 11.363636 221.0 8.9
2010-01-01 03:00:00 1.324 -5.6 -7.3 4.62 11.494253 222.0 8.5
2010-01-01 04:00:00 1.282 -5.4 -7.8 4.56 11.494253 223.0 7.9
2010-01-01 05:00:00 1.220 -5.3 -8.1 4.60 11.494253 224.0 7.2

With the toolbox, is is possible to convert zonal and meridional velocity components of wind the the more convenient Intensity-direction variables.

data["wspd"], data["wdir"] = resourcecode.utils.zmcomp2metconv(data.uwnd, data.vwnd)

The figure below is an example of the histograme of the variables that can be extracted from the database. \(H_s\),:math:T_p, \(W_s\) and \(CgE\) are shown here with the wind and wave directions, but the code can be changed to plot any of the available variables in the Hindcast database.

data[["hs", "tp", "cge", "wspd", "dp", "wdir"]].hist(bins=15, figsize=[16, 8])
hs, tp, cge, wspd, dp, wdir

Spectral data extraction and computation of sea-state parameters#

The toolbox also offers the possibility to download the spectral data from the coarser ‘SPEC’ grid, corresponding to the orange dots of the web portal. This is possible thanks to the get_2D_spectrum and get_1D_spectrum from the spectrum module. An example is shown below:

spec = resourcecode.spectrum.get_2D_spectrum(
    selected_specPoint[0], years=["2010"], months=["01"]

And we offer function to represent the spectral data, both for 2D and 1D spectrum.

resourcecode.spectrum.plot_2D_spectrum(spec, 1)
Wave directional spectrum at point W004679N48304 (-4.68°W,48.30°N) on 2010-01-01 01:00:00

There is also function to compute the 1D spectrum from the 2D.

spec1D = resourcecode.spectrum.convert_spectrum_2Dto1D(spec)
resourcecode.spectrum.plot_1D_spectrum(spec1D, 1, sea_state=False)
<Figure size 700x500 with 1 Axes>

Among the functionalities of the toolbox, it is possible to compute the sea-state parameters from spectral data. Small discrepancies can be found between the Hindcast sea-state parameters and the one computed with the toolbox.

parameters_df = resourcecode.spectrum.compute_parameters_from_2D_spectrum(
    spec, use_depth=True
time Hm0 Tp T01 T02 Te mu nu CgE km lm depth Thetam Thetapm Spr Qp wnd wnddir cur curdir
0 2010-01-01 00:00:00 1.258713 11.382546 6.299747 4.894921 9.126643 0.629497 0.810161 8.091658 0.173012 36.316369 28.5 221.665815 221.841529 52.452013 1.905638 9.0 44.400002 0.3 218.900009
0 2010-01-01 01:00:00 1.271215 11.273698 6.118387 4.806066 8.845303 0.618847 0.787826 8.000145 0.178597 35.180836 30.0 222.276735 222.227011 55.652089 1.780164 9.0 42.000000 0.4 227.199997
0 2010-01-01 02:00:00 1.270940 11.310064 5.964570 4.717962 8.617916 0.611819 0.773477 7.790361 0.184614 34.034173 31.5 223.474217 222.590049 57.603553 1.701667 9.2 40.200001 0.3 234.600006
0 2010-01-01 03:00:00 1.250777 11.416240 5.887424 4.667331 8.503349 0.609530 0.768868 7.451620 0.188269 33.373499 32.5 226.098226 223.223522 58.092844 1.701595 9.2 37.799999 0.2 246.000000
0 2010-01-01 04:00:00 1.213452 11.484228 5.851882 4.627031 8.463007 0.612215 0.774279 6.990126 0.191482 32.813387 32.5 229.779274 224.242327 57.098317 1.753959 9.5 34.799999 0.1 285.899994

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 17.842 seconds)

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