Visualize the database configuration: nodes, bathymetry…

Visualize the database configuration: nodes, bathymetry…#

import resourcecode
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot
import matplotlib.tri as mtri
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.axes_divider import make_axes_locatable

plot.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 400

Select a node and plot the mesh around#

Below is an extract of the nodes locations and characteristics.
node longitude latitude depth d50
0 1 6.922498 62.914669 3.0 0.000
1 2 6.910178 62.913013 3.0 1.322
2 3 6.920552 62.904381 3.0 1.322
3 4 6.933673 62.899376 3.0 1.322
4 5 6.945979 62.900120 3.0 1.322
... ... ... ... ... ...
328025 328026 -4.641320 53.165386 41.0 -1.585
328026 328027 -2.131147 56.025635 67.0 0.737
328027 328028 -5.977029 55.205364 139.0 0.737
328028 328029 -5.939720 55.209774 142.5 -1.585
328029 328030 -4.639367 54.751503 20.0 -1.585

328030 rows × 5 columns

One can also obtain the location of the points where the full 2D spectral data is available using resourcecode.get_grid_spec() function

longitude latitude name depth d50
0 1.5000 52.0000 E001500N52000 15.413269 0.737000
1 -5.5000 52.0000 W005500N52000 89.648946 -0.826506
2 -6.0000 52.0000 W006000N52000 95.836144 -1.585000
3 -6.5000 52.0000 W006500N52000 52.674089 0.737000
4 -7.0000 52.0000 W007000N52000 54.674644 0.034650
... ... ... ... ... ...
24271 2.4392 51.3894 WESTHINDER 23.067135 0.364202
24272 3.4155 51.4334 WIELINGENNOORD 8.367460 0.734515
24273 6.0640 53.4100 WIERUMERWAD2 3.000000 1.322000
24274 6.0638 53.4090 WIERUMERWAD3 3.000000 1.322000
24275 4.0084 51.9922 ZDV8-2D-MMND 12.754536 1.099299

24276 rows × 5 columns

Usually, we know the coordinates of the point we want to look at. It is possible to find the closest node from this location, using the following function. It return a vector of dimension two, with the node number and the distance from the requested location (in meters).

# We select the closest node from given coordinates
selected_node =
    latitude=48.3026514, longitude=-4.6861533
(134940, 296.89)

Once the node is selected, it is possible to print a map of the area.

lat_min, lat_max = 47.75, 48.75
lon_min, lon_max = -5.25, -4.25

nodes =
    f"latitude <= {lat_max} and latitude >= {lat_min} and longitude > {lon_min} and longitude < {lon_max}"
spec = resourcecode.get_grid_spec().query(
    f"latitude <= {lat_max} and latitude >= {lat_min} and longitude > {lon_min} and longitude < {lon_max}"
coast =
    f"latitude <= {lat_max} and latitude >= {lat_min} and longitude > {lon_min} and longitude < {lon_max}"
islands =
    f"latitude <= {lat_max} and latitude >= {lat_min} and longitude > {lon_min} and longitude < {lon_max}"
plot.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
plot.scatter(nodes.longitude, nodes.latitude, s=1, label="Nodes")
plot.scatter(spec.longitude, spec.latitude, s=2, color="orange", label="Spectral grid")
plot.ylim(lat_min, lat_max)
plot.xlim(lon_min, lon_max)
plot.plot(coast.longitude, coast.latitude, color="black")
classes = list(islands.ID.unique())
for c in classes:
    df2 = islands.loc[islands["ID"] == c]
    plot.plot(df2.longitude, df2.latitude, color="black")
    nodes[nodes.node == selected_node[0]].longitude,
    nodes[nodes.node == selected_node[0]].latitude,
    label="Selected point",
plot 0 Database exploration

Plot of bathymetry next to the selected point#

The data included in the toolbox alows to easily map the depth anywhere on the covered area. The following piece of code shows and example of such a map.

# Importing the data for plotting
tri = (
    resourcecode.get_triangles().to_numpy() - 1
)  # The '-1' is due to the Zero-based numbering of python
field_mesh =
triang = mtri.Triangulation(field_mesh[:, 1], field_mesh[:, 2], tri)

plotted_nodes = (
    (field_mesh[:, 1] <= lon_max)
    & (field_mesh[:, 1] >= lon_min)
    & (field_mesh[:, 2] <= lat_max)
    & (field_mesh[:, 2] >= lat_min)

s = field_mesh[:, 3]
s[np.isnan(s)] = 0  # Due to missing values in bathy

fig = plot.figure(figsize=(10, 10))

ax0 = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect="equal")

plot.ylim(lat_min, lat_max)
plot.xlim(lon_min, lon_max)
SC = ax0.tripcolor(triang, s, shading="gouraud")
SC.set_clim(min(s[plotted_nodes]), max(s[plotted_nodes]))
# Plot selected location
    nodes[nodes.node == selected_node[0]].longitude,
    nodes[nodes.node == selected_node[0]].latitude,
    label="Selected point",
# Add coastlines and islands
plot.plot(coast.longitude, coast.latitude, color="black")
classes = list(islands.ID.unique())
for c in classes:
    df2 = islands.loc[islands["ID"] == c]
    plot.plot(df2.longitude, df2.latitude, color="black")

# Colorbar.
the_divider = make_axes_locatable(ax0)
color_axis = the_divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.1)
cbar = plot.colorbar(SC, cax=color_axis)
cbar.set_label("Depth (m)", fontsize=18)
plot 0 Database exploration

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 5.009 seconds)

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