The goal of resourcecode is to provide an easy access to the Resourcecode hindcast database of sea-states. More information on the database can be found here. This website only contains information about the way to retrieve data from this data base and the functionalities offred by this package.
This package depends on data in a data package resourcecodedata that is available through a drat
repository on GitHub. To use the resourcecode package, you will need to install resourcecodedata on your computer, using the following install.packages
function (and later update it using the update.packages
install.packages("resourcecodedata", repos = c("", ""))
The resourcecode package is on CRAN so you can simply run :
You can install the development version of resourcecode thanks to r-universe:
repos = c('',
or using the classical:
Plot the bathymetry used in the project
#> Warning: le package 'resourcecodedata' a été compilé avec la version R 4.4.2
resourcecode::rscd_mapplot(rscd_field$depth, name = "Depth (m)", transform = "sqrt")
See the variables available in the database:
#> name longname unit
#> 1 longitude longitude degree_east
#> 2 latitude latitude degree_north
#> 3 tri tri
#> 4 MAPSTA status map 1
#> 5 dpt depth m
#> 6 ucur eastward current m s-1
Download a time series of significant wave height next to the coast of Finistère:
data <- get_parameters(node = "134865", parameters = "hs")
#> tibble [8,760 × 2] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#> $ time: POSIXct[1:8760], format: "1994-01-01 01:00:00" "1994-01-01 02:00:00" ...
#> $ hs : num [1:8760] 4.98 5.19 5.37 5.48 5.52 ...
#> - attr(*, "node")= num 134864
plot(data, type = "l")